How to Unsubscribe Jazz Packages

Updated on May 27th, 2024 at 10:27 am

How to Unsubscribe Jazz Packages

Jazz customers have always problems with unsubscribing jazz packages. Most of the users subscribe a respective package and they don’t know how to unsubscribe that respective package when they don’t need that package. It results in losing money to the company for no actual benefit. In this article we are going to discuss all the shortcodes and methods to unsubsribing all jazz packages.

Before going in detail, we should understand something. Most of the weekly and monthly jazz packages don’t need to unsubribed because don’t gets renewed after expiry. However, most of the daily packages and other services like TV, jazz tune or miscall alert type services are renewed until user unsubscribe from the respective package or service. So, if you are going to unsub a certain package, you should know the nature and name of the package to unbsubsribe from it.

Deactivate all Jazz Packages or Services

This method isn’t good for those who want to deactivate a specific service. It is for those who want to deactivate all the activated services on user jazz mobile number. It is also the most easiest way to deactivate. To deactivate, user just need to open the mobile messaging App. Type ‘unsub’ and send it to ‘6611’. This will unsubscribe all services.

Jazz Packages Unsub Codes (Package or Service)

We are going to list all the packages and their respective unsub codes. Lest have a look;

  • Jazz caller tune unsub code: Type ‘unsub’ message and send it to 230 or also you call to 230 for unsubscribing jazz caller tune.
  • Jazz my status unsub code: Type ‘unsub’ message and send it to 6085. You will recieve a message stating the unscribtion details
  • Jazz auto reply unsub code: Deactivation the auto replies on the jazz number is the easiest. You just need to dial *7071# from you jazz number. This will unsubscribe the service and will give you the notification
  • Jazz TV unsub code: For jazz TV, you just need to open the messaging App and write unsub in the messege text field. After that send this message to 6611 and you will recieve a message stating that your jazz TV service has been unsubscribed
  • Jazz Game leage unsub code: For jazz game leage deactivation, you need to type ‘unsub’ in the message text field and send that message to 6611.
  • Jazz Game club unsub code: For jazz game club deactivation, you need to type ‘unsub’ in the message text field and send that message to 6611.
  • Jazz Gameloft unsub code: for this, just type ‘GAME STOP’ and send that sms to 6767.
  • Jazz drive unsub code: For deactivating, you need to have jazz drive App. You just need to open the mobile App. Open the side mobile menu and click ‘My Plan’ and click on the unsubscribe.
  • Jazz instant sms unsub code:
  • Jazz advance unsub code: for unsubscribing from jazz advance, you just need to dial *112*4 from the dail pad and the service will be deactivated.
  • Jazz Champion package unsub code: Deactiving the champion package is very easy. You just need to dial *337# from the dial pad for unsubscription.
  • Jazz daily sms unsub code: Jazz daily sms can deactivated with simple dialing *101*4*01# from the dial pad.

Bottom Line

We have added most of the packages and service that need different code for the deactivation. I hope, it will help you. If there is any suggestion or complaints, you can always reach out to us.

Picture of Noor Shahid

Noor Shahid

A software engineer with a knack for SEO and marketing, I've been crafting blog posts and technical content since 2018. My educational background in Software Engineering from the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar has given me a strong foundation for understanding the technical side of things, while my passion for writing allows me to translate that knowledge into engaging and informative content.

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