Zong Mega Data Offer is for heavy data users offering a massive 100GB of data. A perfect package for all video streamers and social media addicts.

Free GBs

Rs. 250
Inclu. Tax

7 Day
Zong Mega Data Offer is for heavy data users offering a massive 100GB of data. A perfect package for all video streamers and social media addicts.
Free GBs
Inclu. Tax
Check More Packages:
Jazz Packages
Telenor Packages
Ufone Packages
Zong Packages
All Packages (Zong, Telenor, Ufone, Jazz)
Are there any call set-up charges for nationwide offers?
How can I check bundle usage details?
By dialing *102# (Charges 10 Paisa+Tax per inquiry).
Why is my internet lagging?
Internet speed might be lagging as it depends on multiple factors like sim, device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users, distance from 2G/3G/4G site etc.
What is the out-of-bundle rate?
If a user does not purchase an add-on after volume consumption of data bundle, he/she will be charged an out-of-bundle rate of Rs.1/MB till the validity of the bundle, instead of the default rate of Rs.4+Tax/MB.
When will the usage notification messages be sent?
Notification message on 100% data consumption has been removed and now the customer will be intimated on 90-95% usage with complete data consumption notification. Rest of all usage notifications (20%, 50%, and 80% usage) will remain the same and the customer will be intimated accordingly.
When will the Default Package be charged?
Initially, when a user has not subscribed to any bundle, the default rate of Rs4/MB will be charged. Default rate will be charged again after the expiry of data bundle, Add-On and Out-of-Bundle rate validity.