Jazz Mahana Aala Offer Check Code


If you’re looking for a mobile package that covers all your needs, the Jazz Mahana Aala Offer is a great choice. With 50 GB of data, you can enjoy endless streaming and browsing. It also includes 3000 on-net minutes and 500 off-net minutes, making it easy to stay in touch with everyone. And with 3000 SMS, you’ll have plenty of texts for the entire month. Priced at Rs. 1475, the Jazz Mahana Aala Offer is valid for 30 days, giving you peace of mind for the entire month.

Note: This package is available for Jazz prepaid subscribers in these cities.


Free GBs


Onnet Mins


Offnet Mins


Free SMS

Rs. 1478

Inclu. Tax

(Recharge Required: Rs. 1600)

30 Day





Sub Code


Status Code

Terms & Conditions

  • Offer is available only for Jazz prepaid subscribers residing in the mentioned cities
  • Upon dialing *7334#, customers will be subscribed to Mahana Aala offer for 30 days
  • This offer can only be subscribed from the specified cities but the offer’s resources can be utilized from anywhere in Pakistan
  • Minutes, Data & SMS are usable 24 hours a day
  • Bundle is non-recursive and multiple subscriptions are allowed
  • In case of multiple subscriptions, incentives will be carried forward and new validity will be applied
  • Limited time offer, it is subject to change at any time.